Track Categories

The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.


Cancers may be benign or malignant. Benign cancers fail to spread to other tissues and is non-life threatening. Malignant Tumors are invasive and spread to different tissues within the area. Diverse kinds of tumors are present till date and many are beneath research investigation. Most cancers are a disease involving abnormal cell growth spread to different parts of the body. There are over distinct varieties of cancer, they may be divided into groups, each is assessed with the aid of the type of cell this is first affected. Cancer harms the body while cells divide uncontrollably to form masses or lumps of tissue this will cause an increase known as a tumour. A few Tumors are named after discoverer, which include Wilm's Tumour (a childhood kidney cancer), Hodgkin’s disorder (a form of lymphoma), and Kaposi’s sarcoma (cancer of blood vessels, uncommon besides associated with immunodeficiency and HIV contamination). Some Cancers are divided into groups according to the type of cell they start from.

  • Carcinomas are cancers of epithelial cells
  • Sarcomas represent tumors of connective tissues
  • Leukaemia  and Lymphomas refer to Cancers of blood cells


  • Track 1-1Metastatic Cancers
  • Track 1-2Cancer Signs & Symptoms
  • Track 1-3Neoadjuvant Therapy
  • Track 1-4Cancer Stem cell Therapy Procedure
  • Track 1-5Stem cell Transplant Risks
  • Track 1-6Cancer Risk Prediction
  • Track 1-7Cancer Prevention
  • Track 1-8Cancer Research
  • Track 1-9Carcinogens and Carcinogenesis
  • Track 1-10Cancer Cell
  • Track 1-11Cancer Biology

Cancer Oncology examines are being led remembering different classes or criteria like area, influenced organ, sort of disease, kind of consideration or drug, condition or encompassing. 

  • Track 2-1Gynecologic Oncology
  • Track 2-2oncology physical therapy
  • Track 2-3Hematology-oncology
  • Track 2-4cardio oncology
  • Track 2-5Medical oncology
  • Track 2-6Surgical Oncology
  • Track 2-7Clinical Oncology
  • Track 2-8Paediatric Oncology

Diagnostics plays an important role throughout Cancer treatment. Before treatment, to accurately locate Tumors, stage the disease, and determine an appropriate combination of cancer treatments. Diagnostics are used to track the size of the tumor, progression of the disease, and patient response to treatment, and modify your treatment accordingly. To confirm the diagnosis of most cancers, a Biopsy needs is to be performed in which a tissue sample is removed from the suspected tumour which occurred initially and studied under a microscope for detecting cancer cells. Endoscopy can be done by inserting a flexible plastic tube with a tiny camera into body cavities or organs. Screening tests are used to detect the possibility of a cancer which is present before symptoms occur. To identify cancer at its initial stage, different types of cancer diagnostic tests are used to Screen at-risk individuals, Monitor treatment efficacy and disease progression or recurrence, Predict prognosis and direct treatment, Screen an asymptomatic population for the early detection of cancer, Earlier detection and treatment subsequently decreases cancer mortality, Diagnose a primary cancer and identify the cancer subtype after complete cancer treatment, to monitor for any signs of metastasis or recurrence

  • Track 3-1Cancer Biopsy
  • Track 3-2Cancer Endoscopy
  • Track 3-3Mammography
  • Track 3-4Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
  • Track 3-53D Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
  • Track 3-6Tumours

Cancer Science is a medical field that covers every branch of cancer research and therapy. Cancer was considered as deadly disease few years ago, but now the development has changed thanks to advances made in the cancer field. There are diverse therapies available now to treat and diagnose cancer. The Targeted Cancer Therapy is one of the best therapies available, in which the cancer cells are treated by targeting and inhibiting specific molecules that are responsible for tumor progression. This blocking can be done by medicine. The Cancer Case Reports shows that Stem Cell Therapy is also an effective treatment for cancer. Cancer biomarkers assist in finding tumor cells and treating them. Tumor Immunology plays an important role in verdict of new approaches for cancer therapeutics..


  • Track 4-1Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Track 4-2Surgery and Laparoscopy
  • Track 4-3Molecular Targeted Therapies
  • Track 4-4Natural Therapy and Acupuncture
  • Track 4-5Breast Cancer
  • Track 4-6cervical cancer
  • Track 4-7Clinical Research
  • Track 4-8Drug Discovery and Delivery
  • Track 4-9Genetics, Genomics and Proteomics
  • Track 4-10Cell, Molecular and Stem Cell Biology
  • Track 4-11Bone Marrow Transplantation

A cancer biomarker refers to an element or procedure that is indicative of the presence of cancer in the body. A biomarker may be a molecule released by a presence of tumour or a specific response of the body to the presence of cancer. Cancer biomarkers are usually biological molecules found in blood, other body fluids, or tissues that are a sign of a normal or abnormal process, or of a condition or disease. Genetic, epigenetic, proteomic, glycomic, and imaging biomarkers can be used for cancer diagnosis, prognosis and epidemiology. The most promising use of biomarkers today is to identify which therapies a patient’s cancer may or may not respond to. So many pharmaceutical companies were producing different sort of biomarkers. So, it plays a vital role in the treatment in cancer


  • Track 5-1Biomarkers in Pharmacodynamics
  • Track 5-2Clinical Bio markers
  • Track 5-3Types of Cancer Biomarkers
  • Track 5-4Biomarkers in Drug Discovery
  • Track 5-5Biomarkers in Cancer Screening
  • Track 5-6Biomarkers in Pharmacokinetics

Cancers immunology is a branch of immunology that describes about the research interactions among the immune system and cancer cells. Its field of study that goals to find out cancer immunotherapies to deal with and retard progression of the Disease. Cancer immunotherapy additionally called immuno-oncology is using the immune device to treat cancer. Immunology may be categorized as active, passive or hybrid (active and passive). The immune response, along with the recognition of most cancers-specific antigens, forms the basis of targeted therapy (along with vaccines and antibody procedures) and tumour marker-based diagnostic tests.


  • Track 6-1Gene Induced Immunotherapy
  • Track 6-2Hematologic cancer
  • Track 6-3immunology and transplantation
  • Track 6-4Cancer Immunology
  • Track 6-5Cellular Immunotherapy
  • Track 6-6Antibody Therapy
  • Track 6-7Cancer Targetted Therapies
  • Track 6-8Cytokine Therapy

Cancer prevention is outlined as active measures to decrease the danger of cancer. Most of cancer causes because of environmental risk factors of those environmental factors are governable way decisions. A personality's risk of developing cancer is considerably reduced by healthy behavior. Cancer prevention analysis includes diagnosing, clinical and change of location analysis with special attention given to molecular discoveries and a stress on building a change of Location Bridge between the fundamental and clinical sciences.


  • Track 7-1Avoiding Risk Factors
  • Track 7-2Changing Lifestyle Choices
  • Track 7-3Chemoprevention
  • Track 7-4Immunized Aspects
  • Track 7-5Psychological Aspects


Cancer or its treatment can lower your resistance to infection and make you more likely to catch the other diseases. There are many different types of cancer drugs. Some drugs can treat cancer and the others help to relieve symptoms such as pain and sickness. The type of drugs you need to use for cure of your cancer depends on what type of cancer you have. Drug therapies work in diverse ways to destroy cancer cells and stop them from spreading or slow down their development. Anticancer drugs or anticancer agents are used in Cancer. Drugs may also be used to reduce or relieve side effects of cancer and its treatment.


  • Track 8-1Cancer Drug Discovery
  • Track 8-2Cancer Drug Delivery
  • Track 8-3Cancer Drug Resistance
  • Track 8-4Cancer Clinical trials
  • Track 8-5Types of Cancer Drugs

Research on nanotechnology most cancers therapy extends beyond drug transport into the advent of latest therapeutics available best via use of nanomaterial houses. Even though nano particles are small as compared to cells, nanoparticles are massive sufficient to encapsulate many small molecule compounds, which can be of a couple of kinds. On the equal time, the extraordinarily large floor place of nanoparticle can be functionalized with ligands, together with small molecules, DNA or RNA strands, peptides, aptamers or antibodies. These ligands may be used for healing impact or to direct nanoparticle destiny in vivo. These properties permit aggregate drug delivery, multi-modality treatment and mixed healing and diagnostic, referred to as “Theranostic,” motion. The physical properties of nanoparticles, together with electricity absorption and re-radiation, can also be used to disrupt diseased tissue, as in laser ablation and hyperthermia programs


  • Track 9-1RNA Nanotechnology for Cancer treatment
  • Track 9-2Target based drug delivery
  • Track 9-3Nanotheranostics for Cancer
  • Track 9-4Energy absorption and re-radiation
  • Track 9-5DNA nanorobots

Cancer Alternative Medicine includes Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which are generally non-mainstream practices. Recently Cancer Alternative Medicine therapies are gaining importance in managing adverse symptoms of Cancer. If a non-mainstream treatment is used together with conventional medicine, it’s considered as “Complementary treatment.” If a non-mainstream treatment is used in place of conventional medicine, it’s considered as “Alternative treatment.” Cancer Alternative Medicine consists of treatments that are based on prescientific concepts of human pathology and physiology. Most people who use non-mainstream approaches use them along with conventional treatments. Cancer Alternative Medicine therapies include a varied variety of nutritional products, such as and botanicals dietary supplements, vitamins and herbal supplements


  • Track 10-1Unani Medicine
  • Track 10-2Herbal medicine
  • Track 10-3Acupuncture
  • Track 10-4Ayurveda
  • Track 10-5Homeopathy
  • Track 10-6Naturopathy
  • Track 10-7Chinese Medicine

Cancer has a diversified nature in relation to the organ specificity. Most cancers are a group of more than a hundred diseases that expand throughout time in any of the body’s tissues. Each type of cancer has its capabilities; the simple procedures that produce most cancers are pretty comparable in all sorts of the diseases. A case record is the specified document of signs and symptoms, prognosis, remedies of the unique sufferers of positive clinical records with unique healing strategies. As about 7.6 million of latest instances of malignancy documented every year, 1/2 of them are from developing countries. Case reports want to be up to date from all the statistics from the beyond.


  • Track 11-1Adverse Effects
  • Track 11-2Clinical case reports
  • Track 11-3Rare Surgical Condition of a cancer case
  • Track 11-4Novel Surgical Procedure

The causes for cancer can be many starting from genetic to the lifestyle of an individual. Cancer can spread from one region of the body to another and can also lead to death, however, there are some ways to treat or at least reduce it from spreading.


  • Track 12-1Chemotherapy
  • Track 12-2Immunotherapy
  • Track 12-3Hormonal Treatment
  • Track 12-4Photodynamic Treatment
  • Track 12-5Use Of Inhibitors
  • Track 12-6Radiotherapy and Oncology

Hematology-oncology: The diagnosis, treatment and prevention of blood diseases (hematology) and cancer (oncology) and research into them. Hematology-oncology includes such diseases as iron deficiency anemia, hemophilia, sickle cell disease, the thalassemias, leukemias and lymphomas, as well as cancers of other organs.


  • Track 13-1Immune thrombocytopenia
  • Track 13-2Hematology Pathology
  • Track 13-3clinical haematology

Clinical Oncology includes full spectrum of NonsurgicalCancers including the Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Palliative care and Biological targeted therapy. Clinical oncologists treat Solid tumors with Conventional Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Brachytherapy, Biological therapy, Molecular targeted therapy and sometimes with multimodality treatments that include the combination of two or more Anti-cancer therapies. Clinical oncologists determine treatment by considering a range of factors including tumor type, the site of the tumor, the stage of the disease and the patient’s general health. They then assess the relative merits of different treatments before presenting these to the patient so that an informed decision can be made. The branch also includes the study of Cancer staging, Cancer epidemiology, Brachytherapy, Cancer biostatistics etc. 


  • Track 14-1Cancer Cell Mechanisms
  • Track 14-2Cancer Clinical trials
  • Track 14-3Cancer Epidemiology
  • Track 14-4Cancer Biostatistics
  • Track 14-5Cancer Biostatistics
  • Track 14-6Medical Oncology
  • Track 14-7Interpretive Oncology

Bio fabrication is alluded to the generation of fake tissues or organs to address wellbeing challenges in medication. It frequently utilizes the rule of 3D Bio printing to shape cells, gels and strands into an organ.


  • Track 15-1 Bio printing Using Microfluidics
  • Track 15-2Bioinks
  • Track 15-3Engineered Tissue
  • Track 15-43D Printing Technologies
  • Track 15-5Innovative Development In 3D-Bioprinting
  • Track 15-6Intelligent Bio Materials

Cancer is a genetic disease caused by changes in certain genes that control the way of our cells function particularly how they develop and divide. Genes carry the guiding principle to make proteins, which do much of the work in our cells. Certain changes in gene can cause cells to evade normal development control and become cancer. Few cancer-causing gene changes increase production of a protein that makes cells grow. Others result in the production of a misshapen, and therefore non-functional, form of a protein that normally repairs cellular damage.



  • Track 16-1Oncogenes
  • Track 16-2Proto-Oncogenes
  • Track 16-3DNA Repair Genes
  • Track 16-4Cancer Genomics
  • Track 16-5Cancer Genome Sequencing
  • Track 16-6Immunoglobulin Therapy For Kawasaki Disease

Structural microorganisms have the surprising potential to form into a wide range of cell types, basically unbounded to recharge different cells as long as the individual or creature is as yet alive, offering gigantic any expectation of relieving Alzheimer's infection, fixing harmed spinal lines, treating kidney, liver and lung maladies and making harmed hearts entirety. Up to this point, researchers essentially worked with two sorts of undifferentiated organisms from creatures and people: embryonic foundational microorganisms and non-embryonic "physical" or "grown-up" undeveloped cells. Late leap forward make it conceivable to change over or "reconstruct" specific grown-up cells to expect a stem-like cells with various innovations. The audit will quickly talk about the on-going advances here.


  • Track 17-1Stem Cells In Endocrinology
  • Track 17-2Liver Stem Cells And Regeneration
  • Track 17-3Early Embryonic Development
  • Track 17-4Neural Stem Cells And Regeneration
  • Track 17-5Blood Stem Cells And Regeneration
  • Track 17-6Muscle (cardiac and skeletal) Stem Cells And Regeneration
  • Track 17-7Totipotency, Pluripotency And Multipotency

Tissue Engineering is a logical field and furthermore portrayed as understanding the benchmarks of tissue and its improvement by handy exchange of insufficient tissue for clinical use. Tissue building bargains about the investigation of mix of cells, structuring, materials methodologies, hemispherical and biochemical segments to supplant or upgrade characteristic tissues. Tissue Engineering includes the utilization of Scaffolds to shape practical tissues and organs, which can be embedded, again into the benefactor, have with the utilization of many building and materials techniques alongside some hemispherical elements. It is identified with in excess of one branch which applies building information and life science ideas towards the advancement of natural substitutes which can enhance or re-establish physiological qualities of organ.


  • Track 18-1Tissue Engineering
  • Track 18-2Regenerative Medicine
  • Track 18-3Bio Materials
  • Track 18-4Scaffolds
  • Track 18-5Tissue Regeneration
  • Track 18-6Tissue Stem Cell

Medical imaging is the technique and process of creating visual representations of the interior of a body for clinical analysis and medical intervention, as well as visual representation of the function of some organs or tissues. Imaging technologies include X-ray imagingComputed tomography, Planar scintigraphy, Imaging modalities, Emission tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Multimodal systems. It helps in diagnosis of Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Neurological disorders (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease) and in drug development via small animal imaging with micro PET or micro SPECT, micro CT, micro MRI, bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging systems.


  • Track 19-1Ultrasonography
  • Track 19-2Optical Imaging
  • Track 19-3X ray Medical Imaging
  • Track 19-4Applications of Imaging
  • Track 19-5Clinical Imaging
  • Track 19-6Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Long haul support of tissue homeostasis depends on the precise direction of substantial foundational microorganism movement. Substantial undeveloped cells need to react to tissue harm and multiply as per tissue prerequisites, while staying away from over-multiplication. The administrative systems engaged with these reactions are presently being disentangled in the intestinal epithelium of Philosophical, giving new understanding into procedures and components of undeveloped cell direction in obstruction epithelial.


  • Track 20-1Metaplasia and Tissue Regeneration
  • Track 20-2SCs And Their Niches
  • Track 20-3Hematopoietic Stem Cells
  • Track 20-4SteamCells And The Origin Of Intestinal Cancer

Maturing tissues encounter a dynamic decrease in homeostatic and regenerative limits, which has been credited to degenerative changes in tissue-particular foundation microorganisms, organism specialties and fundamental signals that manage undeveloped cell action. Understanding the sub-atomic pathways associated with this age-subordinate crumbling of immature microorganism capacity will be basic for growing new treatments for maladies of maturing that objective the particular reasons for age-related utilitarian decay. Here we investigate key sub-atomic pathways that are generally irritated as tissues and organisms age and savage.


  • Track 21-1Theories Of Aging
  • Track 21-2Theories Of Biological Aging
  • Track 21-3Proximate Theories Of Biological Aging
  • Track 21-4Alzheimer‘s Disease
  • Track 21-5Cardiovascular Diseases

Essential microorganisms are the body's rough materials cells from which each other cell with particular limits are created. New mother cells or stem cells either ended up being new undifferentiated cells (self-restoration) or wind up specific cells (division) with a more specific limit, for instance, platelets, mind cells, heart muscle cells or bone cells. No other cell in the body has the trademark ability to make new cell types.

  • Track 22-1cancer treatment therapists
  • Track 22-2Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
  • Track 22-3Oncology rehabilitation
  • Track 22-4Lymphoma Cancer
  • Track 22-5Immune Cell Therapy
  • Track 22-6Allogeneic Transplantation.
  • Track 22-7Pediatric Oncology Physical Therapy

Pediatric surgery is a subspecialty of surgery involving the surgery of fetuses, infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. Subspecialties of pediatric surgery itself include: neonatal surgery and fetal surgery. Other areas of surgery also have pediatric specialties of their own that require further training during the residencies and in a fellowship: pediatric cardiothoracic (surgery on the child's heart and/or lungs, including heart and/or lung transplantation), pediatric nephrological surgery (surgery on the child's kidneys and ureters, including renal, or kidney, transplantation), pediatric neurosurgery (surgery on the child's brain, central nervous system, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves), pediatric urological surgery (surgery on the child's urinary bladder and other structures below the kidney necessary for ejaculation), pediatric emergency surgery, surgery involving fetuses or embryos (overlapping with obstetric/gynecological surgery, neonatology, and maternal-fetal medicine), surgery involving adolescents or young adults, pediatric hepatological (liver) and gastrointestinal (stomach and intestines) surgery (including liver and intestinal transplantation in children), pediatric orthopedic surgery (muscle and bone surgery in children), pediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery (such as for burns, or for congenital defects like cleft palate not involving the major organs), and pediatric oncological (childhood cancer) surgery. Common pediatric diseases that may require pediatric surgery includes: congenital malformations, abdominal wall defects, chest wall deformities, childhood tumors etc.


  • Track 23-1Pediatric Cardiac surgery
  • Track 23-2Pediatric surgical oncology
  • Track 23-3Pediatric Emergency Medicine
  • Track 23-4Pediatric Ophthalmic surgery
  • Track 23-5Pediatric Gastrointestinal surgery
  • Track 23-6Pediatric Endocrinology and Pediatric Rheumatology

The skin continually re-establishes itself for the duration of grown-up life, and the hair follicle experiences an interminable cycle of development and degeneration.Foundation microorganisms (StemCell's) dwelling in the epidermis and hair follicle guarantee the support of grown-up skin homeostasis and hair recovery, however they likewise take part in the fix of the epidermis after wounds.


  • Track 24-1Stem Cells With In Adult Skin Epithelium
  • Track 24-2Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signalling
  • Track 24-3Notch Signalling
  • Track 24-4Signalling And Stem Cell Fate Specification In The Skin
  • Track 24-5Environmental Carcinogens
  • Track 24-6Cancer Etiology
  • Track 24-7Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology

In numerous tissues, mammalian maturing is related with a decrease in the replicative and utilitarian limit of physical immature microorganisms and other self-recharging compartments. Understanding the premise of this decay is a noteworthy objective of maturing research. . Such methodologies incorporate endeavours to shield undifferentiated organisms from age-advancing harm, to 'revive' foundation microorganisms using pharmacologic specialists that moderate maturing incited modifications in flagging, and to supplant lost undeveloped cells through regenerative drug approaches. Some progress has been made in every one of these fields in the course of the most recent year and a half incorporating advances in the generation of contributor particular all-powerful undifferentiated organisms through prompted diplomat (iPS), gains in our comprehension of how tumour silencer flagging is controlled in self-restoring compartments to direct maturing, and further show of extracellular 'milieu' factors that bother undeveloped cell work with age.


  • Track 25-1 Regenerative Medicine And iPS
  • Track 25-2Somatic Self-Renewal And Aging
  • Track 25-3Somatic Stem And Progenitor Cell Aging

Stem Cell Research offers incredible guarantee for understanding fundamental components of human advancement and separation, and additionally the expectation for new medications for illnesses, for example, diabetes, spinal line damage, Parkinson's ailment, and myocardial localized necrosis. In any case, human Stem Cell (hSC) inquires about additionally raises sharp moral and political contentions. The reconstructing of substantial cells to deliver instigated pluripotent undifferentiated organisms keeps away from the moral issues particular to embryonic foundational microorganism examine. In any hSC look into, be that as it may, troublesome problems emerge with respect to delicate downstream research, agree to give materials for hSC explore, early clinical preliminaries of hSC treatments, and oversight of hSC inquire about. These moral and strategy issues should be talked about alongside logical difficulties to guarantee that undeveloped cell examine is done in a morally suitable way. This article gives a basic investigation of these issues and how they are tended to in current approaches.


  • Track 26-1Multi-Potent Stem Cells
  • Track 26-2Embryonic Stem Cell Research
  • Track 26-3Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT)
  • Track 26-4Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS Cells)
  • Track 26-5Stem Cell Clinical Trials

Developmental biology (counting embryology) is proposed as "the stem cell of biological disciplines." Genetics, cell science, oncology, immunology, transformative components, neurobiology, and frameworks science every has its heritage in formative science. In addition, formative science keeps on moving on, maturing off more teaches, while holding its very own character. While its relative controls separate into sciences with a limited arrangement of standards, precedents, and systems, formative science stays incredible, pluripotent, and generally undifferentiated. In numerous orders, particularly in transformative science and oncology, the developmental point of view is being reasserted as a critical research program.


  • Track 27-1The emergence of cellular Heterogeneity within The PSU
  • Track 27-2The PSU And Tissue Compartmentalisation
  • Track 27-3Tissue Compartmentalisation
  • Track 27-4Oncogenic Perturbation Of Stem Cell Behaviour
  • Track 27-5Compartmentalisation And Heterogeneity Beyond The Epidermis

The branch of Oncology dealing with Radiation therapy is termed as Radiation Oncology. Radiation oncology is a medical arena that involves the controlled use of radiation to treat cancer either for cure or to reduce pain and symptoms caused by cancer. Radiation Oncology encompasses all aspects of research that impacts on the treatment of cancer using radiation. Radiation can be given as a curative modality, either alone or in combination with surgery or chemotherapy. It may also be used palliatively, to relieve symptoms in patients with incurable cancers. The Radiation therapy and/or radiotherapy are broadly segmented into Brachy-radiotherapyTeleradiotherapy and Metabolic Radiotherapy. There are three unique Radiology specialist professions which are involved in practice of radiation oncology 1. Radiation Oncologists 2. Radiation Therapists 3. Radiation Oncology Medical Physicists. These highly trained medical specialists who use advanced technologies on Cancer patients to deliver safe and effective radiation therapy with few side effects as possible.


  • Track 28-1External Beam Radiation Therapy / Telotherapy
  • Track 28-2Internal Radiotherapy / Brachytherapy
  • Track 28-3Stereotactic Radiation and Radiosurgery
  • Track 28-4Postoperative Radiotherapy
  • Track 28-5Radiology and Imaging Technology
  • Track 28-6Systemic Radioisotope Therapy
  • Track 28-7HPV and Cervical Cancer

Among all Anti-cancer therapies, treatment of Cancer by surgery remains a basic method for oncology. Surgery is used to diagnose stage and treat cancer and certain cancer-related symptoms. Surgical oncology is the branch of Oncology that deals with the surgical aspects of cancer including biopsy, cancer staging, and surgical resection of tumors it focuses on the surgical management of tumors, especially cancerous tumors. Surgical oncology is a specialized area of oncology that engages surgeons in the cure and management of cancer. Whether a patient is a candidate for surgery depends on factors such as the type, size, location, grade and stage of the tumor, as well as general health factors such as age, physical fitness and other medical comorbidities. For many patients, surgery will be combined with other cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy or hormone therapy


  • Track 29-1Neurosurgery
  • Track 29-2Head and Neck Surgery
  • Track 29-3Thoracic Surgery
  • Track 29-4Urological Surgery
  • Track 29-5Gynaecological Surgery
  • Track 29-6Nuclear Medicine Working
  • Track 29-7Cancer Gastric Surgery

Cancer Services. Approximately 400,000 people are diagnosed with a brain or spine tumor in the U.S. every year. Most of these tumors are cancers that have spread to the brain or spine from other parts of the body. The majority ofneurological cancers are malignant, but some are benign tumors.

  • Track 30-1Neurosurgery
  • Track 30-2Neoplasms and Neuroscience
  • Track 30-3Metastatic Cancer and NeuroImmunology
  • Track 30-4Novel Therapies in Neuro-Oncology and Advancements in Neuro-Oncology
  • Track 30-5Pediatric neurosurgery
  • Track 30-6Neuroradiology and NeuroImmunology
  • Track 30-7Treatment of Cancer Related Complications